The problem
The tactic beneath is the simplest string search algorithm. It should discover the primary prevalence of a phrase in a textual content string.
haystack = the entire textual content
needle = searchword
wildcard = _
discover("strike", "i'll strike down upon thee"); // return 7
The discover methodology is already made.
The issue is to implement wildcard(s) within the needle. In case you have a _ within the needle it’s going to match any character within the haystack.
A standard string search algorithm will discover the primary prevalence of a phrase(needle) in a textual content(haystack), beginning on index 0. Like this:
discover("strike", "I'll strike down upon thee"); //return 7
A wildcard within the needle will match any character within the haystack. The tactic ought to work on any kind of needle, and haystacks. You’ll be able to assume the needle is shorter than(or equal to) the haystack.
discover("g__d", "That is the benefit of being president"); // return 11
If no match the tactic ought to return -1
The answer in Java code
Possibility 1:
import java.util.regex.*;
public class SearchEngine {
static int discover(String needle, String haystack){
String regNeedle = "Q" + needle.replaceAll("_", "\E.\Q") + "E";
Matcher m = Sample.compile(regNeedle).matcher(haystack);
if( return m.begin();
else return -1;
Possibility 2:
import java.util.regex.*;
public class SearchEngine {
static int discover(String needle, String haystack){
Matcher m = Sample.compile(
Sample.quote(needle).exchange("_", "E.Q")
return ? m.begin() : -1;
Possibility 3:
import static java.util.regex.Sample.compile;
class SearchEngine {
static int discover(String needle, String haystack) {
var m = compile("Q" +"_", "E.Q") + "E").matcher(haystack);
return ? m.begin() : -1;
Check circumstances to validate our resolution
import org.junit.Check;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class WildsTest {
String haystack = "As soon as upon a midnight dreary, whereas I contemplated, weak and weary";
public void normalSearchTest(){
assertEquals(0,"As soon as", haystack));
assertEquals(12,"midnight", haystack));
assertEquals(-1,"codewars", haystack));
public void wildSearchTest(){
assertEquals(5,"_po_", haystack));
assertEquals(12,"___night", haystack));