The utilization of other binders at a better quantity in cement composites is an efficient strategy towards sustainability by lowering international carbon emissions. This text discusses about changing cement with Excessive-volume fly ash (HVFA) as binary mix and Ternary Blended Silica fume (TBSF) mortars and enhancing their effectivity by addition of Nanomaterial akin to Graphene Oxide (GO). The principle downside in using fly ash for industrial functions is its discount in early power attributable to slower reactivity. GO promotes early power and able to controlling the microstructure of cement composites even in excessive siliceous surroundings. Outcomes revealed by addition of GO, 21.15%, and 24.5% of power is enhanced for 35%, and 45% degree of fly ash replacements respectively, and 23.5%, 15.4% power elevated for (95percentPPC + 5% silica fume), and (90percentPPC + 10% silica fume) ternary blended mixes respectively. Microstructural characterization methods akin to SEM, XRD, FTIR, and TGA confirmed GO promoted power by enhancing pozzolanic reactions. Findings on this research suggests software of GO in HVFA and TBSF sustainable cement composites to enhance the microstructural properties.